Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Weekly Art Projects for kids with Autism, Special Needs

Sometimes a little bit of inspiration and creativity can create awesome moments to share with your child with special needs. Some days you just need a little lift and a guiding push. Weekly Art Projects is an email delivered to you once a week with quick ideas to get your creativity rolling.

After completing a project, you can email us the results and we'll post to our blog for everyone to see and share inspiration.

Join the Weekly Art Projects list by signing up for our email newsletter. A weekly email encouraging creativity and inspiration. A new art project via email every week

Weekly Projects will:

* stir creativity for both you and your child
* bring inspiration as you both enjoy the activities together
* solve boredom
* give you somewhere to "start"

Our hope is that with a weekly jolt of ideas we can individually inspire our kids. Together we can enjoy being creative while inspiring them to come up with great ideas on their own. Some ideas will be an exercise in being silly, a new perspective and others will be works of art!

We will post the Weekly Art Project to this blog as well as email out the Weekly Project. Simply sign up and enjoy!

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